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A Vision towards a 2nd Tier Ecosystem


If we list just a few of the global challenges we face today...


Political Polarization

Climate Change

Media Bias


Geo-Political Tension & Wars

Artificial Intelligence

Global Hunger

...and ask: what is the root problem to them and all global challenges we face?


If we look into this question deeply and investigate, we will see that it comes down to key individuals and how they relate to one another.

I'll cut to the chase - we have a leadership and relational intelligence problem. 

We have under-developed leaders.  And no intelligence on how to relate to one another to collaborate at levels where we can really work on addressing the solutions to these global challenges.


If it is only individuals coming from an earlier stage of ego development seeking power and cultivating positions of power in society's many sectors such as politics, business, activism, and media.  and spiritual leaders spiritually by-passing and not seeking power, what world are we creating?


An emerging phenomenon could potentially tackle this problem -


We have reached an evolutionary milestone with a new generation of visionary leaders slowly arising with unique emerging capacities and if they were to refine them and collaborate together, they could make impact in the world not previously possible.

The challenge is we need a relational intelligence operating system for these capacities to mature and for collaboration at that level to be a reality.

​We are proposing Dynamic Presence to be one of many solutions as this relational OS.


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A visionary leader â€‹


Frustrated with the current culture and systems in the world and know deeply that more is possible 


Believe you are an agent of this change​


See the limit of right-wrong thinking and feel called to move towards discriminating wisdom from nondual general you want to love more deeply


See the value in exploring multiple perspectives from multiple intelligences and weaving the truth value of them into a more integrative perspective that will inform and create these new cultures and systems in the world​


Desire to increase your capacities in facilitating deeper transformation in your arena whether as a thought leader, entrepreneur, politician, coach, spiritual teacher, activist, or another type of visionary leader


Feel alone and want to collaborate with others for larger impact


Called to embody the 9 markers of a 2nd Tier leader so you can play at this level of collaboration


Know deeply that you need to uplevel massively to become this next tier leader

We are envisioning 100 years or less for a 2nd Tier Ecosystem to develop both organically and intentionally.

We are in Phase 1: Find Each Other.

If you answered yes to those markers above, we'd love to connect.


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A global collaboration of genius and talent who want to co-create massive impact

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Dynamic Presence will be the beginning relational intelligence framework and core foundation of Lumina for these visionary leaders to collaborate.  Other relational OS's will naturally plug-in

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A funding mechanism along with other resources that allows us to build what needs to be built


Lumina will develop from key players holding Essence-led leadership and 2nd Tier values and embodiment - individuals, organizations, and associated movements.  They will form decentralized and centralized nodes within an ever expanding network that will be embedded with all other eco-systems globally.


Join us as we build a
2nd Tier Ecosystem
to serve a thriving humanity

Thanks for submitting! We'll be in contact soon.

© 2023 by Lumina.

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