For those who feel called to the vision of a 2nd Tier eco-system and want to embody the relational intelligence metrics necessary to make collaboration at this level a reality
A visionary leader ​
Frustrated with the current culture and systems in the world and know deeply that more is possible
Believe you are an agent of this change​
See the limit of right-wrong thinking and feel called to move towards discriminating wisdom from nondual love...in general you want to love more deeply
See the value in exploring multiple perspectives from multiple intelligences and weaving the truth value of them into a more integrative perspective that will inform and create these new cultures and systems in the world​
Desire to increase your capacities in facilitating deeper transformation in your arena whether as a thought leader, entrepreneur, politician, coach, spiritual teacher, activist, or another type of visionary leader
Feel alone and want to collaborate with others for larger impact
Called to embody the 9 Markers of a 2nd Tier leader so you can play at this level of collaboration
Know deeply that you need to uplevel massively to become this next tier leader
If this is you and you feel inspired to train more directly and intentionally to embody the markers of either essence-led leadership or 2nd Tier leadership, explore the pathways below.

For those who would want a private sacred space to receive support from Rob on embodying any of the markers for 2nd Tier Leadership.
Fill out an application below to get on the waitlist

Working with Rob, goes far beyond any coaching or traditional tools I've experienced in the past. I'm so grateful for the process he's taken me through, as each session allows me to go deeper into the parts of myself that I have suppressed and ignored for too long. As a result, I've started to find more flow, joy, openness and gratitude in all areas of my life (business, vision, relationships with others, and most importantly - relationship with self, and the lens I view the world through). It's allowed me to reconnect with my power, confidence, and curate the tools I need to make it through the ups and downs of life with more ease. What I've learned and practiced with Rob, I will take forward with me for the rest of my life - it's a foundational part of the inner work, and will also support you bringing your vision to life, from a place of openness and love.
Thank you Rob, I love you!
Founder and Coach

At times I feel like I'm working with a wizard that was sent from the future to teach me the ways to be in a state of reverence for all things and love... ​Rob is a visionary leader...
CEO, Alluviance

He's magic...I highly encourage anyone to have a session with him.
Founder & CEO, Zinnia
A virtual group dojo space to practice together the foundation of essence-led leadership and 2nd Tier Leadership

Lays the foundation for embodying the 9 Markers
Embodiment of Relational Nonduality and 3 Steps to Connection
Feel the Aliveness of your Vision on a regular basis
Builds your Presencing muscle
Support of community
What's Included
Four (4) dyad relational presencing sessions (1hr weekly) per month to practice​
One (1) group call (1 hr) per month on Vision: remembering the emotional aliveness in your heart
Access to the Immerse WhatsApp thread
Access to the Essence 101 Digital Library

$525 / month​
Fill out an application below to get started

Want you to know how much I appreciate the time we share and the gift you are. Excited to be dropping in with the larger group for sure, you were right it’s already impactful.
Product Manager

I learned through Essence 101 that connecting to my heart space through deep intentionality is the only way to honor your true self. Relational presencing was a practice we did in Essence 101 that was so impactful I brought it into my marriage. This practice helped me connect deeper to my soul through seeing myself in the eyes of others. It helped me allow presence to ALL my relationships and be more connected in the moment.
Sales Leader and Coach

Essence 101 has provided me with the community I didn’t know I needed. To be in practice with others on their journey, supporting one another has been tremendously helpful for my ability to be true and vulnerable with others and to hold space for another. Through Rob’s Relational Presencing practice, I’ve learned how to quickly get into a nondual state with another person. This has transferred amazingly to life & my coaching practice bringing me more stillness, peace, centeredness, and connection with others.
Transformational Coach
A multi-year immersion group program to embody the 9 Markers of 2nd Tier leadership
Program Structure

Four (4) 3-day Quarterly in-person immersions/year​
Four (4) virtual group calls per month (1 hour session/week)
12 private 1:1 sessions (1 hour session/month)
Four (4) dyad relational presencing sessions (1hr weekly) per month to practice​
Daily Ally (fellow participant from group)
Access to Digital Library
Access to Immerse WhatsApp thread
Fill out an application below to get started

I just finished my first year in Immerse and what stands out for me is that Rob is a creative master of the emergent because he comes not just from a mental but a truly embodied, integral place. The dojo he has created is where we clean up and grow up, show up together, and empower ourselves and each other to heal the splits between the hugeness of our vision and the parts that are not enrolled in that vision. This journey has changed the way I claim the fullness of life -- as actually equal to receiving the fullness of Love. It has helped me grow and nurture that beautiful capacity to embody the Love no matter which meme is in operation around me, and allow the wisdom to naturally spring from my true essence.
Teacher of Embodiment

My time training in Immerse with Rob Renahan has unequivocally and irreversibly changed the course of my life forever in the most beautiful, amazing and mysterious ways...
Founder, Creator

"If it wasn’t for Immerse, I would not have learned what true love was!"
Founder, Soul Venturer
​Immerse has given me the container to truly drop into my seat of essence and learn what the world is craving from the future of essence-led leadership. It's given me a community of fellow leaders that are hungry to take their levels of embodiment and leadership to an entirely different level.
CEO, Alluviance