Welcome my dear friend. I am excited to offer this exposition that I believe will begin the process of navigating our current challenges that humanity faces. Relational intelligence being at the top of the list. The material presented in this website is a beta version of my future book. And am looking forward to sound boarding and seeing the impact of the practices of Dynamic Presence with you and each other.
I would like to offer some brief comments on how to navigate this website.
It will take some time to understand what 2nd Tier truly is. A cognitive understanding requires to be able to go into complexity, non-linear, and intuitive dimensions that are connected to other dimension of cognitive intelligence. It will require to read multiple posts on this site while also practicing the experiential aspects. So take your time. Stay curious, go in the unknown, and stay in the unknown as you traverse the journey to understanding what 2nd Tier truly is.
My recommendation to navigating this website , is to be in 3 Steps to Connection when reading the following material. Because you need nonduality to come to a deeper and larger understanding. It will help weave the many dimensions and nuances of what 2nd Tier is.
Read these posts in sequential order for further understanding:
I look forward to meeting you and exploring where our visions synch with each other. May all beings benefit from our relationship...
With love and friendship,