When I inquire into the global challenges we face today and ask what is the root cause, the same answer appears for me time and time again. We have leaders who are at earlier stages of key aptitudes and how they relate with one another and with other fellow human beings; and their joint capacities limit the range and quality of impact that they can have towards the solutions of our current global challenges. Political polarization being a great example.
We have a leadership and relational intelligence problem.
I believe our global challenges and our collective evolution is inviting some of us to step up and embody key leadership and relational intelligence capacities to pioneer the beginning of whole new eco-system for future generations.
Developmental psychology specifically stage theory can offer some perspective here. Although the empirical data and the theories of this field that interpret them are limited and early in their research, they can still offer us a primitive map of explaining the world and how we can relate to one another in a way that better serves humanity and the global challenges we face.
Developmental psychologists and their corresponding theories outline a range of 5 - 9 stages to explain how individuals and the collective traverse the journey along certain variables (ie cognitive intelligence, ego development, etc). As they compared their stages with one another, they found similarities and patterns. Some organized this information into a coherent whole and delineated the first six stages as 1st Tier, stage 7 and 8 as 2nd Tier, and the last stage as the theoretical 3rd Tier.
So each stage has a range of capacities that individuals work from and with one another. When these individuals work with or against each other along these different capacities, we have an eco-system. Each eco-system has a center of gravity in respect to these varying levels of capacities.
In my opinion, all the eco-systems of the world fall under one of the stages of 1st Tier. 2nd Tier hasn't happened yet. Even though the best of 1st Tier (ie democracy, conscious capitalism. rationality, win-win attitudes) are helping and improving the world, 2nd Tier offers another tier of promise and potential.
I like to use a metaphor to simply explain the difference. Over the last 60 years or so, there have been various generations of computers with each generation building off each other and developing more capacity than its predecessor. Each of these ever-progressing generation of computers is based on binary code - bits that can be either a 1 or 0. That's 1st Tier.
On the horizon, there is another generation of computers that will make a quantum leap in its coding and capacities. That's right, you guessed it - quantum computing. It operates on quantum coding where we move from bits to qubits and these qubits can be simultaneously a 1 or 0. That's comparable to 2nd Tier.
So modern computers bring alot of benefit and solve alot of problems, but imagine what quantum computing will be able to do. That's 2nd Tier and the relational code it would use to address our global challenges.
Lumina will be a collaboration of individuals, communities, and organizations called to the 2nd Tier vision and to co-creating a 2nd Tier eco-system to address our core problem (leadership and relational intelligence) and also the global challenges humanity faces. I believe this eco-system will take under a 100 years to organically and intentionally develop.
With the limited data and research available, I am proposing the following ten features of what a beginning 2nd Tier eco-system will look like.

Diversity of Typologies

Leadership: 9 Markers
Relational Intelligence OS
Multiple Perspectives
Centralization & Decentralization
1st Tier Embedment
Concentric Circles